We all know noise-cancelling headphones have many benefits, but do we really know all of them?
As a father of young children, canceling out noise is not my priority.
At least when I’m at home.
I need to hear every little peep that comes from those little crazies, so not being able to hear anything will not help.
Now, when I’m at work (the coffee shop or a hotel lobby), you can bet that I need all the noise canceling I can get.
It’s not that I’m actually distracted by it, but there are times when I need to listen to or watch something that requires my full attention.
I actually like not having to worry about whether my kids are okay and the sound of coffee shop music, blenders going off, and chatter from others.
It absolutely helps me get work done.
But when I do get distracted or need to focus on some sound coming from my laptop, that’s when noise-canceling headphones come in handy.
There are also many other benefits of noise-canceling headphones that will help you decide if this is the right investment for you.
The Benefits of Noise-Canceling Headphones

Noise-canceling headphones have to be one of the best inventions in the world.
They might not be helpful for everyone, but they do have its benefits.
I know it’s hard to decide if you really need it because of its insane pricing, but if you understand the product, you might see things differently.
It’s the same dilemma you’d be in if you were to buy a premium backpack, and that’s just how it is with high ticket purchases.
I understand the confusion and the uncertainty that comes with more high ticket purchases, so let me help you understand the world of noise-canceling headphones.
Before spending money, let’s see some of the benefits of noise-canceling headphones.
1. Canceling Noise
The obvious, I know, but it’s a good reminder of what they actually do.
There’s no better benefit of noise-canceling headphones than blocking out actual noise.
They were designed for that purpose, so I hope that’s what you’re getting them for.
However, there is a type of noise that they do cancel out.
Background noise.
Some of us need to get that blocked, and that’s what noise-canceling headphones do.
2. Focus and Concentration
Sometimes, people don’t like hearing a loud blender in the background or others talking about a coworker they really don’t like.
And that’s fine.
We are all different, and we all like things done differently.
For those of you who want to focus on certain things, noise-canceling headphones are the way to go.
They help block out the noise so you can focus on the task at hand.
As mentioned earlier, I frequent coffee shops and hotel lobbies, so I need those moments where I need to get in the zone, and that’s what noise-canceling headphones do.
I don’t think I would get much done if I didn’t own one.
3. Better Sounding Stuff
Whether you’re listening to your favorite Taylor Swift jam or wasting time on another YouTube video, noise-canceling headphones will make all the difference.
If you think the sounds from your laptop speakers sound great, you haven’t heard anything yet.
I’m sure you love music, but if you haven’t tried some really good headphones, you’re missing out.
Now add the noise-canceling feature, and you’ll be blown away.
Enjoy your music to the fullest, and you’ll find that with some noise-canceling headphones
4. Better Conversations
I literally just got off a call with a buddy of mine, and it was a horrible experience.
I had to put my ear close to my laptop to hear what he was saying, and I didn’t even know if he understood what I was saying or if he was just trying to be nice.
Mind you, I didn’t bring any headphones, and they decided that today would be “in the club Thursday.”
The music is blaring, and everyone is competing with it all while trying to hold a conversation with their friends.
For me, I was on a Facetime call on my laptop.
It was a really bad experience, but it reminded me of the benefits of noise-canceling headphones.
It’s just a coincidence that I’m working on this post, and it could not happen at a better time.
Thanks, DJ, for making the music extra loud today.
5. Allows You to Be in Your Own World
I’m far from anti, but I love the feeling that noise-canceling headphones give me.
I feel like I’m somewhere different.
I feel as if I’m in some kind of paradise.
If you do own a pair of noise-canceling headphones, you know what I mean.
It’s a truly great experience and one that will make you listen to music differently and enjoy life more.
6. Cool Factor
One of the better benefits of noise-canceling headphones has to be how cool they make you look.
When I see someone with noise-canceling headphones on or around their neck, I can’t help but check them out.
I don’t know what it is, but it just catches my attention.
Maybe I’m into cool man gear, but it’s definitely something that you want to add to your EDC if you want to look cooler than the person next to you in the coffee shop.
7. Better Health
We don’t pay much attention to how we listen to things, but I’m sure we all have a hard time hearing things when there’s a lot of noise.
Even in-ear headphones can make things challenging, which is why noise-canceling headphones can be better.
You don’t have to turn the volume up high to hear someone because all the sound is kept in one room, your ear.
If you struggle to hear things or understand people around you, help your eardrums out and get some noise-canceling headphones.
Oh, and don’t forget that they will also help alleviate stress.
We all have different stressors in our lives, and many of them come from the noise around us.
Whether we know it or not, it’s there and does not help our everyday lives.
We can all use a little help in our crazy lives, and you’ll be surprised by what a pair of noise-canceling headphones can do.
Conclusion – Cut the Noise Out
There is a lot of noise in this world, and if we don’t control it, it will control us.
There are many benefits of noise-canceling headphones, so take advantage and use them for what they’re for.
Canceling noise!
I’m sorry if that was loud, but I hope this post gives you a better understanding of what a nice pair of noise-canceling headphones can do.
They are a big part of my everyday carry and besides today, I don’t plan on forgetting them the next time I decide to work at a coffee shop.
Do you plan on getting some noise-canceling headphones?
Do you own a pair?
What do you recommend?